RainyFey's Commissions

Status: Closed

USD through PayPal only

Current Orders:
1. Closed
2. Closed

Please note: Info/T.O.S.

INFO:Will draw:
Humans, anthros, feral characters, etc.
Will not draw:
NSFW, Gore, Mechs/Robots.
Full payment is due at the time of ordering. If you need to cancel, I will give you a full refund if we have not passed the initial sketch phase. If you cancel for any reason after you have already approved the sketch, you will only receive a partial refund based on how far along I am on your commission.T.O.S.
I, RainyFey/FlyLark:
- I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.
- I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online to my social media profiles.
You (the customer/commissioner):- You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels, as long as you credit one of the profiles I have linked above.
- You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, make prints, etc.)
- You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my (the artist's) consent.
- You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes.


  • Halfbody/Bust Icon

Ink lines, detailed shading & background.


  • Fullbody

$60 - one subject, full shading, no backgroundThe sizes of these range from 1400px+ in height. You can specify a pose/mood or leave it up to me.


Fill this out and Message me on Discord, Twitter, or DeviantArt!
Please use Notes and not the dA chat system. Chat gives no notifications.
I will respond fastest if messaged on Discord.Commission Type:
Paypal Email:
Details: (Notes about mood, theme, etc.)
I will send an invoice to you at your PayPal email before starting on your commission.